A suite of FDA 510(k) cleared visualization solutions which is tightly integrated with our Image Management and Workflow Optimizations solutions. As web-enabled applications residing on the ImageGrid™ PACS server, these viewers can be accessed from the local and remote workstations.

DICOM Software ImageView™ General Radiology Viewer
Resolve patient conflicts and increase transparency and patient satisfaction with a DICOM file viewer for General Radiology. Get optimized imaging that you can easily and quickly share with patients for inclusive, enhanced medical care. Collaborate seamlessly and effectively with ImageView DICOM viewer software to enrich the patient experience and provide superior services.
Ideal for viewing CR/DR and Ultrasound studies. The Cobb Angles and Measurement Tool also makes it ideal for CR/DR Orthopedic and Chiropractic viewing.

ImageView™ Advanced DICOM Radiology Viewer
The ImageView advanced radiology viewer provides capabilities such as MIP/MPR, Series Linking and Customizable Hanging Protocols for viewing of MRI and CT images, elevating your DICOM file viewing with expandable features as your facility grows. Suitable for smaller image centers and large hospitals, the solution lets you collaborate and view complex images seamlessly, supporting your facility's workflow systems and increasing productivity.

ImageView™ Advanced DICOM Mammography Viewer
For enhanced patient outcomes and improved patient care, the ImageView Advanced Mammography Viewer provides a streamlined solution that minimizes downtime for effective patient support. Provide more personalized, attentive medical attention with advanced medical imaging that effectively routes images to your workstation for fast study transfers and increased efficiencies. Free up your time so you can focus on patient outcomes.
A vendor-agnostic solution (certified with Hologic, GE, Siemens, FujiFilm, Giotto and Planmed mammography gantries) with highly customizable Mammography Workflow and Hanging Protocols. ImageGrid Advanced Mammography Viewer also supports the review of breast tomosynthesis images.

ImageView™ Radiation Therapy Viewer
With Candelis' advanced DICOM file viewer systems, you can effortlessly view complex images for accurate diagnosis, treatment and evaluation. The ImageView Radiation Therapy Viewer is patient-centered, with optimal viewing to facilitate patient inclusion. Put patients first with speedy, seamless medical image viewing that increases efficiencies. Provides the ability to view 2D/3D Radiation Therapy/Oncology images and approve Treatment Plans.

ImageView™ Referring Physician Viewer
DICOM file viewers handle complex image viewing for effective, transparent collaboration and diagnosis. Easily and ethically view medical image data without compromising on safety and quality. Our ImageView Referring Physician Viewer provides referring physicians, surgeons and clinicians the ability to view the entire study. Deliver comprehensive, thorough patient care for optimized outcomes that facilitate transparency, speed and efficacy.
DICOM Viewer Software for Enhanced Systems
DICOM viewer software systems assist in seamless medical image viewing, increasing healthcare facility productivity and improving the patient experience. From acquisition devices, Candelis DICOM Viewer for Windows streamlines the viewing of radiology images on your workstation for optimized workflow and more timely diagnosis.
Get started today by booking your free demo. You can also contact us online through our form to request more information.